Serlin 50

Serlin 50 Warnings



Zydus Cadila


Full Prescribing Info
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: Serious reactions such as confusion and irritability, chills, pyrexia and muscle rigidity have been reported in patients receiving sertraline in combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). Further, there have been reports of serious, sometimes fatal reactions including hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus, autonomic instability with possible rapid fluctuations of vital signs, mental status changes that include extreme agitation progressing to delirium and coma in patients receiving another SSRI in combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). Therefore, it is recommended that sertraline should not be used in combination with a MAOI, or within 14 days of discontinuing treatment with a MAOI. Similarly, at least 14 days should be allowed after stopping sertraline before starting a MAOI.
Other serotonergic drugs: Co-administration of sertraline with other drugs which enhance the effects of serotonergic neurotransmission, such as tryptophan or fenfluramine or 5-HT agonists, should be undertaken with caution and avoided whenever possible due to the potential for a pharmacodynamic interaction.
Switching from selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), antidepressants or antiobsessional drugs: There is limited controlled experience regarding the optimal timing of switching from SSRIs, antidepressants or antiobsessional drugs to sertraline. Care and prudent medical judgment should be exercised when switching, particularly from long-acting agents such as fluoxetine. The duration of a washout period for switching from one SSRI to another has not been established.
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